Here’s a detailed overview of each planet in our Solar System:


  • Position: Closest planet to the Sun.
  • Size: Smallest planet in the Solar System.
  • Orbit: It takes about 88 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun.
  • Surface: Rocky with many craters, similar to the Moon.
  • Atmosphere: Very thin, composed mostly of oxygen, sodium, and hydrogen.
  • Temperature: Extreme variations from about -173°C (-280°F) at night to 427°C (800°F) during the day.
  • Notable Feature: Caloris Basin, one of the largest impact craters in the Solar System.


  • Position: Second planet from the Sun.
  • Size: Similar in size and structure to Earth, often called Earth's "sister planet."
  • Orbit: Takes about 225 Earth days to complete one orbit.
  • Surface: Volcanic with numerous mountains and large plains.
  • Atmosphere: Thick, composed mostly of carbon dioxide with clouds of sulfuric acid, creating a strong greenhouse effect.
  • Temperature: Hottest planet, with surface temperatures around 465°C (869°F).
  • Notable Feature: Maxwell Montes, the highest mountain on Venus.


  • Position: Third planet from the Sun.
  • Size: Largest of the terrestrial planets.
  • Orbit: Takes 365.25 days to complete one orbit.
  • Surface: 71% covered by water, diverse terrain including mountains, valleys, and plains.
  • Atmosphere: Composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and trace amounts of other gases.
  • Temperature: Average surface temperature around 15°C (59°F).
  • Notable Feature: Home to diverse life forms and ecosystems.


  • Position: Fourth planet from the Sun.
  • Size: Half the diameter of Earth.
  • Orbit: Takes about 687 Earth days to complete one orbit.
  • Surface: Rocky with iron oxide (rust), giving it a red color; features include volcanoes, valleys, and polar ice caps.
  • Atmosphere: Thin, composed mostly of carbon dioxide.
  • Temperature: Averages around -80°C (-112°F) but can vary.
  • Notable Feature: Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System.


  • Position: Fifth planet from the Sun.
  • Size: Largest planet in the Solar System.
  • Orbit: Takes about 12 Earth years to complete one orbit.
  • Surface: Gas giant with no solid surface; composed mostly of hydrogen and helium.
  • Atmosphere: Features bands of clouds and the Great Red Spot, a giant storm.
  • Temperature: Varies, with cloud tops around -145°C (-234°F).
  • Notable Feature: Has at least 79 moons, including Ganymede, the largest moon in the Solar System.


  • Position: Sixth planet from the Sun.
  • Size: Second-largest planet in the Solar System.
  • Orbit: Takes about 29.5 Earth years to complete one orbit.
  • Surface: Gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen and helium.
  • Atmosphere: Known for its extensive ring system made of ice and rock particles.
  • Temperature: Cloud tops around -178°C (-288°F).
  • Notable Feature: Titan, the second-largest moon in the Solar System, with a thick atmosphere.


  • Position: Seventh planet from the Sun.
  • Size: Third-largest planet by diameter.
  • Orbit: Takes about 84 Earth years to complete one orbit.
  • Surface: Ice giant with a core of rock and ice surrounded by a thick atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, and methane.
  • Atmosphere: Contains methane, which gives it a blue color.
  • Temperature: Around -224°C (-371°F), making it the coldest planet.
  • Notable Feature: Axis tilted at an extreme angle, causing it to rotate on its side.


  • Position: Eighth and farthest known planet from the Sun.
  • Size: Slightly smaller than Uranus but more massive.
  • Orbit: Takes about 165 Earth years to complete one orbit.
  • Surface: Ice giant with a similar composition to Uranus.
  • Atmosphere: Contains hydrogen, helium, and methane, giving it a blue color; features high-speed winds and storms.
  • Temperature: Around -214°C (-353°F).
  • Notable Feature: Great Dark Spot, a storm similar to Jupiter’s Great Red Spot.

Pluto (Dwarf Planet)

  • Position: Located in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune.
  • Size: Smaller than Earth's moon.
  • Orbit: Takes about 248 Earth years to complete one orbit.
  • Surface: Icy with mountains, plains, and possibly cryovolcanoes.
  • Atmosphere: Thin, composed mostly of nitrogen, with traces of methane and carbon monoxide.
  • Temperature: Extremely cold, averaging around -229°C (-380°F).
  • Notable Feature: Charon, its largest moon, is nearly half the size of Pluto itself.

These planets form a diverse and fascinating array of worlds, each with unique characteristics and features that contribute to our understanding of the Solar System.
